Thursday, December 11, 2008

London O2 gig: spectacular or potential embarrassment

The 25 April 2009 London O2 gig could be a spectacular - if the sound quality and big screens are as good as they were for the recent Leonard Cohen shows.

But if the big screens aren’t used the Dylan show could be embarrassingly poor. My seats at the back of the top deck of the 20,000-seater hall were perfect for Lenny. But if the Dylan show fails to use big screens, the musicians on stage will be virtually invisible. I’ll be very disappointed.

Several Dylan Daily readers share my worries:

* Martin Cowan: “It will be interesting to see how Dylan compares to Cohen at the O2 and I for one will be very surprised if Dylan agrees to the big screens - knowing his phobia for cameras etc.

“Can't help but feel his music would be better served by the smaller more intimate venues. Brixton Academy in 1995 springs to my mind.”

* Gordon Macniven: “Having ended up with what seem to be crap seats for the O2 I'd be very interested in relieving anyone of better or unwanted seats!

“Do you, or any of your readers know:

How many concerts Bob has performed over the years?

In how many countries he has performed?

In how many cities? and

In how many different venues?

* Cornelia Grolsch: “I wish you a pleasant evening in London O2 Arena. Isn't that the ancient Millenium Dome? (Yes it is – Gerry Smith.) I saw Leonard Cohen too, in October in Berlin O2 World, huge new arena with 15.000 visitors. I was a bit afraid of this arena, but it was really the best concert I ever visited.

“Very good sound (at least in front of the stage) and the huge screens let us forget all around :-).

“Unfortunately, Bob Dylan plays in another arena in Berlin, Max-Schmelinghalle, same place as 2007, with not such a good sound. But because the hall is nearly sold out, maybe they can change to O2 World? And maybe Bobby learnt something from Lenny? Lenny was so nice to the audience...”

Gerry Smith