Thursday, March 26, 2009

New art exhibition in 2010 - and Dylan on politicians

The second slug of Bill Flanagan’s fine Dylan interview to promo the new album, now on, has two nuggets which ring bells in this parish:

* The first, a welcome revelation:

“… I have an association with a London gallery, and there’ll probably be another exhibition of new works in another European museum in 2010. Now I’m scrambling to keep up. I’ve been commissioned to do paintings and they want me to work with iron and lead.”

* The second a piercing insight:

What’s your take on politics?

“Politics is entertainment. It’s a sport. Politicians are interchangeable.”

Don’t you believe in the democratic process?

“Yeah, but what’s that got to do with politics? Politics creates more problems than it solves.”

Thanks to Peter Brookes for the link.

Gerry Smith