Friday, December 29, 2006

Theme Time Radio Hour – encore

The Theme Time Radio Hour series sees Dylan, the creative powerhouse of the age, setting the popular music agenda, yet again.

The radio shows also underline Dylan’s credentials as the major post-Modern artist to emerge from the ranks of popular music. His fusing of high and pop culture and his multiplicity of musical influences, being revealed programme by programme on Theme Time, just as they were in Chronicles, are two of the main reasons why Dylan’s art is just as credible to the PhD English Lit professor as it is to the whistling delivery boy who recognises a good tune when he hears one.

As for the Theme Time Radio Hour scripts and Dylan’s sly, knowing delivery: well, as you’d expect from an iconic figure, they’re unpredictable. But, predictably, they stimulate and challenge you. Listen with an open heart - Dylan’s offering a route map to musical discovery. Let the journey begin!

Gerry Smith