Friday, May 09, 2008

Writer Tom Grasty on his new Dylan-inspired crime novel

Thanks to Tom Grasty:

“The LA Festival of Books went fantastic! I sold out all the books I brought. Many people told me they had seen the blurb on So here's another exciting announcement for your legions of fans …

“I will be interviewed about BLOOD ON THE TRACKS this Saturday, May 10 at 11:00 am (West Coast US) on KPOO FM San Francisco. I should be "spilling my guts" for around 30 minutes or so. Your readers can listen to the interview live by going to

Or if they want to check out the interview later after I post it on my blog at

“You certainly know the novel's premise by now, but your readers might want a recap. Here's a quick synopsis: BLOOD ON THE TRACKS is a murder-mystery set against the world of rock ‘n' roll. But not just any rock star is knocking on heaven's door. The murdered rock legend is none other than Bob Dorian, a thinly veiled, well, you can guess which Bob it is …

“Suspects? Tons of them. The only problem is they're all characters in Bob's songs. Not to mention they all hold a grudge.”